Practice Areas

We have extensive experience in the following areas
If you have been the victim of a crime, you have rights, including the right to be heard and to restitution. We can assist you
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Misdemeanor Defense
If you have been the victim of a crime, you have rights, including the right to be heard and to restitution. We can assist you
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DUI Defense
If you have been the victim of a crime, you have rights, including the right to be heard and to restitution. We can assist you
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Breach of Contract / Unpaid Bonuses
Fusce commodo iaculis pulvinar. Cras faucibus facilisis aliquet. Morbi lorem nulla, bibendum vel bibendum id, aliquet ut ipsum. Praesent est diam, porta.
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Facing adverse actions at work after voicing a legal concern or complaint is distressing and unfair. Our legal team is dedicated to protecting employees who
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State and Federal laws prohibit discrimination in employment. These laws cover discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability
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Sexual Harrasment
Fusce commodo iaculis pulvinar. Cras faucibus facilisis aliquet. Morbi lorem nulla, bibendum vel bibendum id, aliquet ut ipsum. Praesent est diam, porta.
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Wrongful Termination
Being terminated is a challenging and often unjust experience. Our firm handles wrongful termination cases, striving to secure your rights and pursue appropriate remedies for
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Unpaid Wages and Overtime
Fusce commodo iaculis pulvinar. Cras faucibus facilisis aliquet. Morbi lorem nulla, bibendum vel bibendum id, aliquet ut ipsum. Praesent est diam, porta.
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Non-Compete Agreements
Fusce commodo iaculis pulvinar. Cras faucibus facilisis aliquet. Morbi lorem nulla, bibendum vel bibendum id, aliquet ut ipsum. Praesent est diam, porta.
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Victim’s Rights
If you have been the victim of a crime, you have rights, including the right to be heard and to restitution. We can assist you
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5040 E. Shea Blvd. Suite 272 Scottsdale, AZ 85254


(602) 760-5100